Sunday, April 4, 2010

nyc 4 night trip

Hi, my husband and i are doing a 3 day trip at the end of feb, he wants to do harlem, apollo thatre, gospel brunch etc. i want to see as much as poss but not necessarily museums, just looking around,shopping etc. can anyone suggest an itinerary without wasting time backtracking etc. thought about B.A.G for harlem. all suggestions greatly appreciated. thanks.

nyc 4 night trip

There are loads of trip reports and itineraries posted here. In 3 days you really have to pick what YOU want to see. A BAG for Harlem is a good idea, but it may limit your chances for getting a BAG at all. They%26#39;re not enough available for the people who want one and specifiying one area limits your options. There are gospel brunches in midtown (BB Kings%26#39;, Iridium) also.

My only major suggestion is group things you want to do together on a map. Spend 1 day midtown, 1 day downtown, and 1 day doing whatever else you didn%26#39;t get to.

There%26#39;s a search funcion here for finding previous posts on different subjects.

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