What is the best way to get from Lag Airport to Affinia Manhattan hotel? Have 5 people in my party.
Cost to get from Lag Airport to Affinia Manhattan? Have 5...
Regular taxis only hold 4 passengers, so you would need two which will cost you about $70 total (fare, tolls and tip). A larger vehicle from a car service may be less. I use Carmel. carmellimo.com 212-666-6666. Give them a call.
Cost to get from Lag Airport to Affinia Manhattan? Have 5...
You could get one of the mini bus taxis - should fit 5. Just request this from the taxi dispatcher.
Yes there are larger taxis that take 5 but not too much luggage.If you can get one of these it will be about $35.The dispatcher will be able to help you out and should not have to wait long for the larger cab.We didnt.
Crown limo may have a rate for a stretch limo that would cost less than 2 taxis. Try emailing them for a rate quote at
Say you saw an ad in the travel magazine and wondered what the cost would be for 5 to midtown. I think it should be about $50.
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