starting at mandarin oriental hotel we want to go to designer loft bridal shop 226 west 37st then to kleinfields bridal 110 west 20st shop back up to somewhere near the gershwin theatre for early dinner {suggestions welcome but not to much walking cos i cant walk far} then to see wicked how far in walking terms is theatre from mo hotel
is this the right way round?
The MO is at 60th and Columbus Circle. That%26#39;s a minimum of 23 blocks downtown and I don%26#39;t know how many Ave%26#39;s across (what is the cross street for the designer loft bridal shop?). Maybe you should cab or subway it downtown and then walk from the first shop to the 2nd shop.
By the way..when did Kleinfelds move from Brooklyn? are you sure that address is not a Brooklyn address???
is this the right way round?
Hi again. I just looked up Kleinfelds on It is still listed on 5th Ave in Brooklyn, where its been for many years. Have they opened up another shop in the city? Its worth the trip to Brooklyn, but I%26#39;d just double check to make sure your information is correct.
I think you should take the A or C from Columbus Circle to 34th Street. Ride in the back of the train, and use the exit near the rear -- you will come out on Eighth Avenue at 35th Street. Walk two blocks north and turn right - your shop is on that block.
To get to 20th Street, you probably want a cab. (If you want to use the subway, walk to Seventh Avenue and down three blocks to 34th Street. Take the #1 to 18th Street. Walk two blocks north to 20th, and turn right - the shop is on that blcok.)
From the shop on 20th Street, walk to Seventh Avenue (the shop is between Sixth and Seventh, closer to Sixth) and turn left two blooks to 18th Street. At the station there, take the #1 train to 50th Street and Broadway. the theater is on 51st Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue.
our plans are to cab it down to designer loft bridal shop on 226 west 37st between 7th and 8th avenue then to kleinfields the web site says 110 west 20th street between 6th and 7 th avenue then back up to the gershwin theatre if kleinfields is in brooklyn i guess it would be best to go there first then back to other shop did try looking on map but i admit fairly hopeless on the score my daughter in law to be has her heart set on going to kleinfields for veil and other bits we will get cabs as much as possiable
Kleinfeld%26#39;s opened a store in Manhattan this year.
There are a few nice options for dinner around the theater. My favorites are ViceVersa, a sleek, posh Northern Italian. On the same block is a mid-priced Italian, Maria Pia. Also nearby is Thalia, a well regarded American. I%26#39;m not crazy about Thalia, but it%26#39;s very popular. You can read reviews and see sample menus on
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